LA vs Hate Statement on City Council Audio Tapes and Antisemitic Banners
This is an official statement of the Los Angeles County Human Relations Commission.
The Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations envisions a county where it will be the norm to value and draw upon cultural diversity to enrich all aspects of our lives and to understand and appreciate individual differences and commonalities as well, so that everyone feels a sense of belonging.
It is that continued vision that has enabled this County to make the solid gains found in elective representation which have been due to past inter-racial solidarity and community building. At this difficult time for the City of Los Angeles, the Commission extends its assistance to all people who have been harmed by recent expressions of words or actions of hate. The LA vs Hate program provides resources to help our communities support one another toward making our County an inclusive place for all populations. All are welcome to make use of these free resources by calling 211. Hate has no home in Los Angeles County. The Commission stands committed to our vision to promote better human relations by working to transform prejudice into acceptance, inequity into justice, and hostility into peace.
LA vs Hate United Against Hate Week will take place from November 13th to 19th and we invite all County stakeholders to join our efforts to combat bias, celebrate our county’s diversity, and uplift our communities. Likewise a series of art-led responses to the recent hate incidents will be launched during United Against Hate Week as powerful reminders that we stand in solidarity with all communities in Los Angeles County.
Cantor Ilan Davidson, Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations President
Robin Toma, Esq, Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations Executive Director
Dr. Guadalupe G. Montano, Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations LA vs Hate Committee Chair